P2HR will provide services designed quite simply to help you manage, retain, engage and develop your people more effectively.

With regular phone and email support, practical templates for day-to-day challenges, and help designing bespoke projects, our team can jump in whenever required. Whether it’s a fixed fee project or a monthly retainer, our pricing is always transparent with no hidden cost.

HR services

Here’s how we’ve helped clients:


Employee sick days put a strain on the rest of the workforce as other team members need to take on extra work, and this affects everyone’s morale. Fair enough if someone is on long-term sick, with Fit Notes for their reasons for absence, however more frequently than not, short term absences fall under the radar (until they become too frequent).


Managers have benefited from having us by their side to hold meetings with the employee to discuss their absence; we know what to ask and are not afraid to tackle ‘sensitive’ probing to find out why their levels of absence are too high. Managers are coached by us to ensure employees leave those meetings knowing the company expectations and possible consequences for persistent short-term absence.


In most cases, the employee’s absence lessens, improving productivity (and morale) across the team. In addition, managers feel better equipped and more confident to deal with similar situations in the future.

THE PROBLEM: Line manager skill gaps

Many managers lack the training they need to line manage effectively, frequently because they have been promoted into the role without formal training. They struggle with confrontation and don’t know how to address lateness, discrimination, performance etc.. They are human and human beings do not like confrontation! Additionally though, they worry that making mistakes around sensitive issues will lead to further complications, not only for the business but also for them and their team. So they bury their heads in the sand and hope the problem will go away.


Feedback from line manager training shows it boosts people’s knowledge and confidence to tackle all day-to-day staff issues. Scaremongering is not a great learning tool however on leaving these training workshops, managers understand what could happen if it all goes horribly wrong and comes back to bite them on the bum!


Upskilled line managers, confident to lead an engaged and productive team.

THE PROBLEM: Disciplinary and grievance

2 Sides of a coin - the employee with a complaint about their employment (the grievance) and the employer with a complaint about the employee (the disciplinary) - no matter which side of the coin, they are a headache. They eat up time, stir up emotions and add stress to a team. These situations can make staff members feel awkward and like they are walking around on eggshells.


Having external HR support to handle the grievance or disciplinary, coupled with our no-nonsense approach, keeps matters straightforward and fair. Alternatively, coaching managers through either of these processes once again produces upskilled managers capable of remaining legally compliant (and in turn protecting your business).


Acting on your behalf takes the pressure off, so you can focus on running your business and maintaining relationships effectively.

Upskilling your managers empowers them to be confident in handling complaints (whether from or about their team member) going forward.

Please see more details below on what you’ll get, or contact us here to see how we can assist.

HR Retainer icon

HR retainer

You will have on tap advice and support either via email or telephone from CIPD qualified HR Consultants to ‘bounce off’ ideas if not sure of action. Included in the retainer, you will have access to all basic templates covering disciplinary, absence, grievance etc. You will also be kept updated on new and changes in employment law.

Employee Relation Issues icon

Employee Relations issues

Disciplinaries, grievances, absence, etc.
Whether assisting you or attending meetings on your behalf, we can support your business for absence, disciplinary or grievance matters to manage these sometimes tricky situations.

Line manager training icon

Line Manager Training

Your needs are bespoke so we design the training workshops to suit your business. Examples of training could be:

  • The role of the line manager

  • How to plan for good performance

  • How to have difficult conversations

  • Managing conflict in the workplace

Remaining Legally Compliant icon

Remaining legally compliant

HR Audits, contracts and policies.
HR Audits provide reported clarity and recommendations on what your business needs to do to become legally compliant coupled with best practice approaches.

Protecting your business includes ensuring your existing contracts and policies/handbooks are fit for purpose. You will get documents that not only align with your business culture, but also include best practice approaches to keep you on the straight and narrow

Performance management icon

Performance management

We will work with you to implement a performance management process, which could include:

  • How to write Job descriptions/person specifications

  • How to plan for Reviews (appraisals or regular 121s)

  • How to agree Personal Development Plans

  • How to set Objectives

Organisational Change icon

Organisational change


We can work with you and provide:

  • A robust rationale/justification for the change to ensure the detail is consistent and known.

  • Provide template documentation needed.

  • Be a source for questions or concerns answering them pragmatically and with solutions.

  • Provide example selection criteria if you have a ‘pool’ to select from.

    Alternatively, we can provide a ‘How to’ guide on the process needed.

TUPE icon

Settlement Agreements

Provide support throughout the process or we can act as facilitators between your employee and ACAS to agree the settlement.

Equality, diversity and inclusion icon

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We would help you facilitate a definition of your organisation’s aspirations and aims on this.

Solicit employee ideas/input e.g. facilitate employee forums

Deliver training/workshops for managers or employees to cover best practice and awareness.

Reward and recognition

Reward and recognition

We will support your business to implement a new pay grading system which would include:

  • Writing of job descriptions/person specifications

  • Consultation with job holders

  • Mapping roles into new pay grading system

  • Salary benchmarking

If you’d like P²HR to help your business with your HR requirements, get in touch today.

P²HR Practical and pragmatic solutions for all people matters

What our clients say about us